How Fast Food Affect Culture in the Modern World People are always on the go today. This often means that fast food restaurants supply at least some of the meals for the average person. It is inexpensive and already prepared. How does fast food affect culture is something most people ...
American Food Glossary
GLOSSARY OF FOOD FROM AMERICA Note: The following is only a partial listing of food terms. Abelskivers: rich puffy Scandinavian pancakes baked in a pan with deep round wells. Baked Beans: small white beans, slow-baked (often overnight), seasoned with salt pork, molasses, and mustard. (New England) Boston Brown Bread: a ...
Domestic Life, Meals and Customs in America
AMERICAN CUSTOMS, MEAL AND LOCAL DOMESTIC LIFE Some of the earliest cooking by European immigrants used brick ovens and iron pots suspended over open hearths. Ironware, hearth-cooking, and brick ovens have not entirely disappeared from the American scene, but Treen (the variety of wooden cooking and eating ware) and many ...
Foods of Southern and Southwestern American Region
AMERICAN FOODS OF SOUTHERN AND SOUTHWESTERN REGION American Southern Regions Foods “Take two and butter ’em while they’re hot!” refers to the southern predilection for a variety of delicious home-baked hot breads and beaten biscuits, which are eaten at almost every meal. As famed as southern hospitality are Virginia ham, ...
Food in Hawaii and Alaska
HAWAIIAN AND ALASKAN FOOD The two youngest states of the United States bring an offering of contrasts to the huge American table of foods. Hawaii offers touches from the South Pacific and Southeast-Asian cuisine like the sharp salty fish sauces, exotic spices, an array of tropical fruits such as taro, ...
American Food and Culture
FOOD AND CULTURE IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA When it comes to the American food and culture, it is for good reason that Israel Zangwill’s term “Melting Pot” for the name of a play in 1908 still serves as an apt description of the United States today. The United States ...
Swiss Food Glossary and Food Terms
FOOD GLOSSARY AND FOOD TERMS IN SWITZERLAND Aromat: trade name for monosodium glutamate. Berner Platte: a massive platter of green beans, boiled potatoes, and sauerkraut artfully topped with smoked and salted pork, boiled tongue, and several types of spicy sausages. Served with side dishes of mustard sauces. Bindenfleisch: meat that ...
Meals and Customs in Switzerland
SWISS MEALS AND LOCAL CUSTOMS Hotel administration schools and internationally famous chefs’ schools may teach sophisticated cuisine while Swiss restaurants may cater to every taste sensation, but in the Swiss home, light and simple meals are the rule. Muesli and milchkaffee are a popular Swiss way to begin the day, ...
Special Occasions in Switzerland
SWISS SPECIAL OCCASIONS More than 18 religious groups claim members in the 6.7 million Swiss population. By a slight majority, Protestants predominate. The many festivities that dot the Swiss calendar focus on the change of seasons, the movement of the cattle, planting and harvesting, and of course religious celebrations. All ...
Swiss Domestic Life and Foods Commonly Used
DOMESTIC LIFE AND FOODS COMMONLY USED IN SWITZERLAND The Swiss reputation for hard work, orderliness, and simplicity is evidenced in the home. Swiss home-makers are “scrubbers”: every corner is scrupulously clean and ordered. Swiss kitchens vie with any in the western world for efficiency, appliances and convenience, but gadgets are ...