FOODS IN POLAND DAIRY PRODUCTS Fresh whole milk is used mainly by children with the adults preferring soured milk or buttermilk. Sour cream is widely used as an ingredient, as a dressing or a sauce, blended into soups, gravies and as a side dish. Cheeses are available, but the bland ...
Polish Food and Culture
FOOD AND CULTURE IN POLAND Her neighbors invaded her, fought with her, divided her into pieces, and for a time even erased her name from the map of Europe. Over a period of about 400 years, from the 1300s to the late 1700s, intermittent wars with Sweden, Russia, Turkey, and ...
Glossary of Foods and Food Terms in Philippines
FILIPINO FOOD GLOSSARY AND FOOD TERMS Achara: generic name for a variety of sweet/sour pickles and relishes served with meat or fish. Adobo: classic Philippine dish of slow-simmered chicken and pork (other meats may be used) cooked until the liquid evaporates. Oil is added to brown the meats, then the ...
Meals and Customs in Philippines
FILIPINO MEALS AND CUSTOMS As in all other areas of Philippine life, the origins of eating customs can be traced to the history of the islands themselves. As in most Asian regions, rice is the most respected staple, for hunger is always a reality. Although many Filipinos enjoy a prosperous ...
Special Occasions in Philippines
FILIPINO SPECIAL OCCASIONS The population of the Philippines is 80 percent Roman Catholic. About 4 percent of the population follow the Muslim faith and are called (much to their resentment) Moros. The latter group live in independent groups faithfully following Islamic ceremonies and customs and are ruled by their own ...
Foods Commonly Used in Philippines
FILIPINO FOODS THAT ARE COMMONLY USED Filipinos enjoy salty, cool, and sour tastes. They love to combine many different ingredients in one dish, favor onions and garlic as a base to most preparations, and consider frying one of their favorite methods of cookery. Tropical fruits and vegetables blend happily with ...
Domestic Life in Philippines
FILIPINO DOMESTIC LIFE The influence of American and Spanish occupations is apparent in both public and private life. The Spanish occupation brought with it increased religious participation especially by women. But the newer patterns did not replace ancient Asian kinship ties: the importance of family relationships and responsibilities are of ...
Russian Food
TYPES OF FOODS IN RUSSIA DAIRY PRODUCTS Smetana (sour cream) is an indispensable staple. Too many dishes would be unthinkable and uneatable without a topping of smetana. Whole cow’s milk, mare’s milk, and fresh cream are widely used in many dishes and as beverages hut usually well cooked. Sour milk ...
Russian Food and Culture
ABOUT FOOD AND CULTURE IN RUSSIA Nobody can find more excuses for eating than the Russian. The generous, gregarious Slav spirit can make a party with only one herring and a bottle of homemade vodka. Even the grayest, most depressing day will be greeted by the Russian with a gathering ...
Food Glossary and Food Terms in Romania
ROMANIAN GLOSSARY OF FOOD AND FOOD TERMS Balmos: boiled cheese balls. Bors or Borsh de Miel: sour soup (like Russian Borsch) with pieces of lamb. Branza de Burduf: cheese flavored with pine. Budinca: rich steamed puddings made with eggs, meat and/or vegetables, cut in squares to serve. Cartofi: potatoes. Cas: ...