FOODS IN NEW ZEALAND DAIRY PRODUCTS Milk is taken by most children at most meals in the form of fresh whole milk. Where considered necessary, toddlers are provided with the New Zealand Whole Milk Biscuit, a cookie enriched with protein in the form of skim milk powder. Most adults take ...
New Zealand Food and Culture
FOOD AND CULTURE IN NEW ZEALAND It is almost as though it were the last place created. Carefully arranged on two main islands it seems that nature’s awesome constructions display themselves solely for the delight of humans. Here is everything: snow-tipped mountains piercing the clouds, emerald green pastures dotted with ...
Dutch Food Glossary
GLOSSARY OF FOOD AND FOOD TERMS Amandelspijs: Christmas almond cake. Appel Beignets: deep-fried apple fritters served with a sugar dusting. A New Year’s Eve treat. Appelbollen: apples baked in a puff pastry. A New Year’s Eve treat. Balletjes: small meatballs often used as soup garnish. Bitterballen: small coated deep-fried meatballs ...
Meals, Customs and Foods Commonly Used
MEALS AND CUSTOMS The average day in the Netherlands begins with an ample breakfast of many breads, unsalted butter and jams, sliced cheeses, and occasionally a fried or boiled egg. Young children often eat a breakfast cereal called pap. Adults drink tea with milk and sugar, while the youngsters have ...
Dutch Domestic Life and Special Occasions
THE NETHERLANDS DOMESTIC LIFE AND SPECIAL OCCASIONS The spotless Dutch kitchen, boasting shiny rows of plates in the cupboards and a collection of spoons hung in a spoon rack, which was always so much a part of pioneer Dutch kitchens, is often still found today. Many Dutch have a fondness ...
Dutch Foods
FOODS OF THE NETHERLANDS DAIRY PRODUCTS Milk and buttermilk as beverages are consumed more by children than adults, although a substantial amount of milk is used in tea and coffee. The cheeses of the Netherlands are famous, such as Edam, Gouda, and the spiced Leiden, all named for the towns ...
The Netherlands Food and Culture
ABOUT FOOD AND CULTURE OF THE NETHERLANDS For many people, “Dutch” is synonymous with a number of stereotypes: the clopping of wooden shoes, children skating to school in the winter, and a lone boy somewhere with his finger in a dyke. Some think of the Dutch as staid and stolid, ...
Romanian Food and Their Culture
FOOD AND CULTURE OF ROMANIA The Romanian is a study in contrasts. Like the Romanian climate which is icily cold in winter and fiercely hot in summer, the Romanian can be consumed with melancholy listening to the doine (poignant country songs of love and longing) or elevated to a passionate ...
Portuguese Food Glossary and Food Terms
GLOSSARY OF FOODS AND FOOD TERMS IN PORTUGAL Acordas: similar to the migas of Spain, these are bread soups made with bread crumbs or a slice of day-old bread moistened with water or garlic-scented broth. Often served with a poached egg and a sprinkle of freshly, chopped coriander. Almondegas: seasoned ...
Portuguese Meals and Customs
MEALS AND CUSTOMS IN PORTUGAL Few people feel more deeply about their native land, their childhood, or their food and drink than the Portuguese. They bring to their meals the same intensity as they bring to every other aspect of their lives. There is no philosophizing about food or drink ...